Sunday, August 21, 2016

Warmachine Tourney Report

After last week's unpleasant tournament, I stewed for a bit and then decided to stick with it, and signed up for a tourney this Sunday at the Portland Game Store. I took the same two warlocks, Wurmwood and Tanith, but tweaked the lists significantly. (It didn't hurt that the Leyline Podcast from Hand Cannon Online put out a Tanith list I could crib. Like I've said, I dislike list building. )

This was a much nicer experience. The location was a bit nicer - PGS is on a walkable street with some nice restaurants nearby, and only twenty minutes from my house. It was considerably cooler weather. OTOH, I'm fighting a cold, so that's a minus. But mostly, I played better. I still only went 1-2, but I'm much happier with how I played. If I hadn't clocked myself on the second game, I might have gone 2-1.

So. Glad I went.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Circle Orboros Update

Well, I'm making progress with Circle Orboros, sort of. I still haven't won any games with the faction, but I'm selling on my warlocks to focus on: Wurmwood, Krueger 1 and Krueger 2, and Tanith. That's two for Champions format and they should all work reasonably well for standard Steamroller formats. Unfortunately, much as I love the game play of Warmachine, this whole experience is reminding me how much I don't care for the list building part of... well, any game. It's one thing I much prefer about historicals. Ah well... give it a few more months and the community will have come up with some decent lists I can copy, and then I can just focus on table time.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Painting - and Gaming - Update, July 2016

I've been rather terrible at updating the blog, but I've been keeping busy regardless.

On the painting front, I've finished some Perry Brothers samurai, and some Hordes models.

Perry Brothers spear and bow ashigaru, and one errant samurai.

Back row: two Efaarit Scouts. Front row: Lanyssa Ryssyl (L) and Alten Ashley (R)
Painting the Efaarit Scouts was a real pleasure. They're very well done models.

L to R: Wold Wyrd, Tanith the Feral Song, Baldur the Stonecleaver, Wild Argus

Gaming wise, I've been playing in the local Journeyman League for Warmachine & Hordes, and enjoying it a fair bit. I'm very much enjoying the Circle Orboros playstyle, and so far I'm having a good experience with the Mark III rules. Sadly, no pics of this...

But I am getting some more historical stuff in. I did a demo of Blucher at the last Portland Historical Wargames day, which was nice and portable using cards and flat terrain. Someday, I'll get on with rebasing and painting all my 6mm figures for it...

Technically in June, I played a biggish Gaugamela refight as seen below, using the Armati system. (At least, I think it was Gaugamela.)


Lines advancing

Elephant-eye view!

Oooh, that's a lot of casualties. (That's Darius on the chariot in the back.)
This one went contrary to history, with a Persian victory - and most notably, Alexander's capture by Persian horsemen midway through the fight! No "the Great" in this battle's timeline...