Gaming at Andrew's after a long hiatus! Pete put on a nice game of 100 Days French vs. Allied with classic 25mm figures, using the new version of the Black Powder rules. I was granted command of the French right, which included the Guard and a division of cavalry.
Thanks to some command failures on both sides, the game developed primarily on the flanks. On the French left, a wood blocked free movement and became the chief battlefield. In the center, French infantry moved slowly up toward the defensive positions the British had seized - some houses and walled fields. On the left, the British heavy cavalry - the legendary Scots Greys - pelted up and seized the initiative. They were quickly met with a charge of French heavy cavalry, which pushed them back. A subsequent charge from the French, however, cost the French one unit of heavy cav and badly bruised the second unit. The Guard meandered on up at a walk, their only contribution being some cannon fire.
The central French infantry regiments pushed up and evicted the British light infantry from the walled field. Then the Scots charged forward and retook the field, and a ferocious scrum ensued, eventually ending when the Swiss pushed the Scots back and a French line unit annihilated the rifles.
Finally, the French infantry reached the Brunswickers and the Brits holding the defensive line. The light cavalry made a daring but foolhardy charge at the British heavy cav, and succeeded in breaking them - but in the process, were too damaged to stay on the field themselves. Both divisions began to retreat. The Guard began to move up, but it was too late. The French center-right division and far left division both broke as well, along with another British division, and so the game was decided - barely - in favor of the Allies.
View from the French right of the advancing British and Brunswickers. |
French cuirassiers and carabiniers charge at and are countercharged by the Scots Greys. |
Turn 2ish, overview. Cavalry action on the French right near the camera, 95th Rifles in a field but disordered in the center, and the British left getting bogged down on terrain to the far right. |
View of the French center. |
Scots Greys retreat in good order, holding the British left. Behind the road and hedge the Brunswickers are awaiting the French. |
Over on the French left, French line infantry skirmish with British line in the woods. |
French heavy cavalry charge in on the Scots Greys again - but their supporting light cavalry failed the command roll, and so they must fight alone. |
British cavalry charge in around the woods, braving French musket fire. |
Checking for support in a cavalry melee on the French left. |
The penultimate round: French infantry have pushed up the center but are held at bay by Scots and Brunswickers. On the French left, near the camera, skirmishing in the woods dominates the action, preventing the British from moving toward the French line. On the French right (top of photo), the Scots Greys have intimidated the French cavalry severely, destroying one unit, but have taken quite a bruising themselves. |
The final state of things. The French are in retreat, half their divisions having broken. The Allies have fared only marginally better, but they hold the day. |
Painting update
I'm about 1/3 of the way through the samurai. Been distracted by some D&D figures for a campaign that's just starting up...
Budget update
Spent about $30 out of my $100 budget so far, on primer and paints.
looks like it was a fun game.
Wow! Great looking game with classic figures and use of BP2.
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