Yesterday, I played my second round of Adeptus Titanicus against Dan, and then headed over to Andrew's for a bit of AK-47 Republic, a game of late 20th-century warfare in Africa.
Deployment; my Warlord stands proud in the foreground. |
Near the end; I've traded my Warhounds for his knights and one Warhound. (Not a good trade) My Reaver's pretty beat up, too. |
End of the game; my Warlord has just detonated spectacularly, taking the Warhound on the far left with it. |
A UN medical convoy with escort enters a town stricken with ebola... |
... but is attacked by militia controlled by a local warlord. Fighting in the town is intense... |
... but the convoy is lost, though most of the relief workers survive and are picked up later. Fighting is inconclusive; the UN force retreats after badly bloodying the warlord's forces. Nobody wins... |
And today, I finished up a couple Grymkin models. Almost done!
Zevanna Agha (left) and twenty Dread Rots (right) |
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