Clearing out the ol’ painting queue the easy way. Cash or AdMech trade only, and only within an hour’s drive of Portland, OR. No shipping. I will not break up these lots.
List price: $216 Asking price: $80
These are painted in the classic Necron scheme of “Rattlecan Silver Primer”
3 Canoptek Stalkers
5 Immortals
5 Lychguard
Codex: Necrons
List price: $248 Asking price: $120
NIB Skinks, NIB Start Collecting: Seraphon (the old one with Carnosaur)
Saurus Scar Veteran on Carnosaur (basecoated)
8 Saurus Knights (Basecoated)
Order Battletome: Seraphon
Gloomspite Gitz
List Price $502 Asking price $200
These are a mix of painted, half painted, primed, and unpainted. It is, however, a full 2000 points of squigs.
Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells (not pictured)
Fungoid Cave Shaman
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig x2
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs
10 Boingrot Bounders
10 Squig Hoppers
6 Sneaky Snufflers
24 Squig Herd & Handlers
Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz
List price $466; Asking price $180
Mix of conditions
Verminlord Corruptor
3 Stormfiends (mostly painted)
Warplock Bombardier
Grey Seer
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell
Plague Priest
20 Plague Monks
20 Clanrats
Warp Lightning Cannon
Battletome: Skaven
Start Collecting: Slaves to Darkness, assembled but unprimed. List $90, asking price $40.
Also up for grabs at $20 each
Battletome: Sylvaneth
Battletome: Legions of Nagash
Battletome: Flesh Eater Courts
Wrath of the Everchosen
Kill Team Core Manual
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Early February: Gaming and Painting
Yesterday, I played my second round of Adeptus Titanicus against Dan, and then headed over to Andrew's for a bit of AK-47 Republic, a game of late 20th-century warfare in Africa.
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Deployment; my Warlord stands proud in the foreground. |
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Near the end; I've traded my Warhounds for his knights and one Warhound. (Not a good trade) My Reaver's pretty beat up, too. |
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End of the game; my Warlord has just detonated spectacularly, taking the Warhound on the far left with it. |
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A UN medical convoy with escort enters a town stricken with ebola... |
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... but is attacked by militia controlled by a local warlord. Fighting in the town is intense... |
And today, I finished up a couple Grymkin models. Almost done!
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Zevanna Agha (left) and twenty Dread Rots (right) |
Monday, February 3, 2020
January's Final Update
Monday, January 20, 2020
ECW Game Report & Painting Update
Had a pleasant week of not much work done, as this week's big project was cleaning out the basement. But I did find time to do a number of touch ups and repairs on my Grymkin collection; not the sort of thing that justifies posting pictures, but nonetheless rather satisfying. As of this morning I've started in on twenty Dread Rots - pumpkin-headed zombie-like farmers. Hope to get them done rather quickly.
More fun was actually getting a game in with Spencer and Nathan over in Spencer's basement. He's a long-time fan of Dan Mersey's rules, and put together a quick English Civil War battle using the Pikeman's Lament. A ragged (but large) force of Royalist conscripts marched south of London to face a disciplined (but outnumbered) Parliament army on Mustering Green. I took the part of Parliament while Nathan and Spencer split the Royalist forces between themselves.
Deployment was simple; mixed pike and shot in the center with cavalry on the flanks. Well, Parliament placed a bit of cavalry on each flank, while the Royalist cavaliers were off on their left flank.
More fun was actually getting a game in with Spencer and Nathan over in Spencer's basement. He's a long-time fan of Dan Mersey's rules, and put together a quick English Civil War battle using the Pikeman's Lament. A ragged (but large) force of Royalist conscripts marched south of London to face a disciplined (but outnumbered) Parliament army on Mustering Green. I took the part of Parliament while Nathan and Spencer split the Royalist forces between themselves.
Deployment was simple; mixed pike and shot in the center with cavalry on the flanks. Well, Parliament placed a bit of cavalry on each flank, while the Royalist cavaliers were off on their left flank.
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Early rounds. Failed command checks have left the Parliamentary line rather ragged. |
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First losses to Parliament - a unit of shot badly fails a morale test and scarpers off. |
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Things have gotten worse for Parliament; that pike block has seen off some mounted cavaliers, but those cavaliers got there by wiping out my own cavalry... |
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And now those pikes - and their accompanying shot - have been been routed. Things are looking quite grim for Parliament. |
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Naturally, I capitalize on this by challenging all his commanders to duels on my next turn. By great good fortune, I win all of them. |
English Civil War,
Pikeman's Lament
Monday, January 13, 2020
Painting Report: Shieldmaidens and Orruks
I've kept myself busy from the start of the year in the painting nook. Mostly cleaning and organizing the painting nook, especially transferring pot paints (Citadel and Privateer Press) to dropper bottles, though some my P3 paints are so old and chunky it may not be worth the effort... However, I've accomplished one of my quarterly goals already: the Bad Squiddo Shieldmaidens are complete to a tabletop standard!
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such professional photo |
I feel the shields could be fancier, but that's a matter of finding decals I like that fit them - freehanding skill is one of the things I want to work on this year, but for now I'm happy they're done. I hope to add some boys to the warband to bring it up to a quantity that can play in Lion Rampant or Kings of War, and some fantastical creatures (especially giants) for various fantasy games. But right now, they're good to go for Saga.
At the end of 2019, I splurged and bought an Age of Sigmar army: the comically and terrifyingly destructive Ironjawz. Since I enjoy assembling more than painting, they're all set for playing, if you don't mind gray plastic:
I do mind gray plastic, but I've come to realize I'm a lot more motivated to paint models that I'm actively putting on the table, or are part of armies that are seeing table time, so I'll forgive myself for it. These guys are on the painting table as a speed-painting project after I finish my Grymkin... and figure out a color scheme. Green skin, of course, but I can't decide on an armor color. Leaning toward weather steel.
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