Been doing a bit of Circle Orboros lately:
L-R: Woldwyrd, Megalith, Woldwatcher |
Pureblood Warpwolf. Not terribly happy with the paint job. |
Wrong Eye (L) and Snapjaw (R) |
Una the Skyhunter |
Tournament - Nexus Games, Gresham, January 22
A little casual tournament with twelve players; I went 2-1, which isn't terrible for playing two new lists and a lot of new models. They are:
Wurmwood, Tree of Fate & Cassius the Oathkeeper
* Ghetorix
* Pureblood Warpwolf
* Feral Warpwolf
* Argus Moonhound
Gallows Grove
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Efaarit Scouts
Efaarit Scouts
Swamp Gobber Chef
Shifting Stones
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Tharn Bloodweavers
Baldur the Stonesoul (Baldur 2)
* Pureblood Warpwolf
* Feral Warpwolf
* Megalith
* Woldwyrd
* Woldwyrd
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Shifting Stones
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Round 1
Versus Jacob's Convergence of Cyriss. He had Father Lucant and Mother Directrix, and dropped Lucant into Wurmwood.
I went second and picked the side of the table with all the forests. As the game developed, the rough terrain in the center of the table proved much to my advantage. I still managed to run out of time on the clock despite pretty well jamming him out of scenario.
Round 2
Versus Josh's Protectorate of Menoth; Amon ad Raza or the Testament of Menoth, of which he chose Testament. This was a pretty rough matchup, since Testament has a completely overpowered feat. I clocked myself again, since I played Baldur 2, a completely new list, and spent way too much time looking things up mid-activation.
Even with the clock problems, I was still running behind on attrition; his feat brought back nearly all of his infantry, despite my best efforts to remove them from play or eliminate entire units.
Round 3
Versus Quinn's Protectorate of Menoth: Feora 3 or Tristan 2. He ran Tristan 2 into Baldur 2.
This one I managed to play rather well, I think. Quinn didn't push hard enough in the first two turns, so I was able to score three points on my third turn and feat to keep him from pushing me off the flags.