Monday, March 21, 2016

PDX March Historical Wargames Day - DBA & Saga

This month's historical day went pretty well! We had the regulars plus a few other folks turning up for some Saga action, and I played/demoed De Bellis Antiquitatis a few times - standard Polybian Romans versus a slightly non-standard Seleucid list. (I haven't any scythed chariots, as it's pulled together from some other figures.)

I am still undecided on how much I like DBA. It certainly plays quickly - five games in four hours, and that's allowing for quite a bit of not-playing time where I was chatting, browsing merchandise, or kibbitzing on the Saga games. I also like the smallness of the scale - 12 elements to a side, 24 x 24" board, etc. But it does feel quite swingy - more of a dice game than a strategy game, as it were.

Everyone had fun, as far as I can tell, and we may have hooked another fellow into the Saga pond. Thanks to everyone who attended!

Next month it looks like I'll be demoing Sails of Glory, based on the poll I put up on the Wargames Oregon Facebook page.

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