Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blitzkrieg Commander II - First Taste

I finally got to play a game of Blitzkrieg Commander II today, in my long-running quest to find an alternative to Flames of War. It was a pleasant experience, and I think I might - almost - have found what I'm looking for. BKC is in the Warmaster family of games, similar to Hail Caesar and Black Powder, and I think that design philosophy hits my sweet spot. It tends to be more abstracted than the crunchier business of Flames of War, and plays much more quickly - or at least, it feels like that. On the flip side, it's even less suited to competitive or pick-up games than FoW is... but I'm ok with that. The one drawback that does bother me is that it's not terribly well-suited to company-level games. It can do them, but the cracks show a bit, as it's designed to model battalion or regimental-level clashes.

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