Friday, June 24, 2016

Painting Update - June 2016

Been a bit slow on the painting front lately. With Warmachine Mk III coming out, I've decided to drop Skorne for the foreseeable future - every time I look at the new cards, I'm just disappointed. Instead, I've been working on Circle Orboros. Though, to be frank, I'm not sure I'll continue with Warmachine - I'm much less interested in the list building and competitive aspect of wargaming than I was a few years ago, and I simply don't have the time to stay competitive anyway. Still, my first game of Mk III was pretty fun, and reminded me how much I do enjoy the game itself. So here's my latest batch of cannibal druids and their monsters:

Kaya the Wildborne, Warpborn Skinwalkers, Gallows Groves, Gnarlhorn Satyr, and Feral Warpwolf

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