Clearing out the ol’ painting queue the easy way. Cash or AdMech trade only, and only within an hour’s drive of Portland, OR. No shipping. I will not break up these lots.
List price: $216 Asking price: $80
These are painted in the classic Necron scheme of “Rattlecan Silver Primer”
3 Canoptek Stalkers
5 Immortals
5 Lychguard
Codex: Necrons
List price: $248 Asking price: $120
NIB Skinks, NIB Start Collecting: Seraphon (the old one with Carnosaur)
Saurus Scar Veteran on Carnosaur (basecoated)
8 Saurus Knights (Basecoated)
Order Battletome: Seraphon
Gloomspite Gitz
List Price $502 Asking price $200
These are a mix of painted, half painted, primed, and unpainted. It is, however, a full 2000 points of squigs.
Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells (not pictured)
Fungoid Cave Shaman
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig x2
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs
10 Boingrot Bounders
10 Squig Hoppers
6 Sneaky Snufflers
24 Squig Herd & Handlers
Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz
List price $466; Asking price $180
Mix of conditions
Verminlord Corruptor
3 Stormfiends (mostly painted)
Warplock Bombardier
Grey Seer
Grey Seer on Screaming Bell
Plague Priest
20 Plague Monks
20 Clanrats
Warp Lightning Cannon
Battletome: Skaven
Start Collecting: Slaves to Darkness, assembled but unprimed. List $90, asking price $40.
Also up for grabs at $20 each
Battletome: Sylvaneth
Battletome: Legions of Nagash
Battletome: Flesh Eater Courts
Wrath of the Everchosen
Kill Team Core Manual