It's been a long hobby drought since Lock & Load, both in game time and painting time. Family activities have kept me away from the toy soldiers, but now that school is well back in session and we have less going on... well, at least I'm back at the painting table.
At present I'm working on some Gloomspite Gitz (i.e., goblins with trademarkable names from GW), some Bad Squiddo Shield Maidens, and some Adeptus Titanicus stuff. The family schedule prevents me from getting any weeknight gaming in, but I was able to drop in to the monthly Saga day in October and field the shield maidens in a quick match against some Normans.
Warlord titan, two Warhounds, and three Questoris Knights with basecoats done. |
Shield Maidens face off against Normans in October |