Last year, Privateer Press released a limited release faction for Hordes: Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest. I went all in on this for three reasons:
- I rather like the models, despite (or perhaps because) they don't quite fit the Warmachine steampunk aesthetic.
- "Limited release" means that, unlike most factions in the game, Grymkin will not be getting new models. That means I can actually finish a collection of them.
- They're a bit silly, and I think that's about how I like to treat toy soldiers.
As of now, I have a nearly complete collection (just missing a few extra beasts and a unit of Dread Rots), and here's what I have painted so far:
The whole horde |
Warlocks (Child & Heretic) and warbeasts - 2 Skin & Moans, Cage Rager, Rattler, 4 Crabbits, and 2 Gorehounds |
Solos - Witchwood, Lord Longfellow, and two Glimmer Imps, plus the Twilight Sisters |
Two units of Neigh Slayers |
Two units of Murder Crows |
Two units of Hollowmen |
However, I've only played three (3) games so far with them... I hope to change that soon, but it's been depressingly difficult to carve out time for Warmachine nights. Still, I'm having a fair bit of fun painting these little monsters.