Monday, March 26, 2018

Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest: Initial collection

Last year, Privateer Press released a limited release faction for Hordes: Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest. I went all in on this for three reasons:

  • I rather like the models, despite (or perhaps because) they don't quite fit the Warmachine steampunk aesthetic.
  • "Limited release" means that, unlike most factions in the game, Grymkin will not be getting new models. That means I can actually finish a collection of them.
  • They're a bit silly, and I think that's about how I like to treat toy soldiers.

As of now, I have a nearly complete collection (just missing a few extra beasts and a unit of Dread Rots), and here's what I have painted so far:

The whole horde

Warlocks (Child & Heretic) and warbeasts - 2 Skin & Moans, Cage Rager, Rattler, 4 Crabbits, and 2 Gorehounds

Solos - Witchwood, Lord Longfellow, and two Glimmer Imps, plus the Twilight Sisters

Two units of Neigh Slayers

Two units of Murder Crows

Two units of Hollowmen

However, I've only played three (3) games so far with them... I hope to change that soon, but it's been depressingly difficult to carve out time for Warmachine nights. Still, I'm having a fair bit of fun painting these little monsters.